Tuesday, October 15, 2024

President Trump Will Overcome The Coup By The Democrats

Prophecy : The Christian nationalist Republican Donald J. Trump will win the 2024 Presidential Election 🗳️ on November 5th via the Electoral College majority vote. However, the extremely corrupt leftist liberal Socialist-Globalist Democrats are weakening in influence and are desperate to hold onto power by any means necessary! The fake leader and Soros-Clinton-Obama puppet Kamala Harris will conduct an attempted insurrection and coup in her resistance and opposition to Trump’s rightful election victory. So therefore, the U.S. Supreme Court will ultimately decide to constitutionally confirm the legitimacy of the presidency of Donald Trump. 

This will trigger a huge outcry from the aggressive and violent leftist Marxist bully mob which uses intimidation and destruction against rightist Constitutionalist conservatives. The military will rightfully be used to enforce the peace and quell civil unrest so that law and order are restored to our Republic. The corruption of the Deep Swamp Democratic Party and the globalist cabal is being exposed by the revelatory light of truth which liberates people from the deception and tyranny of dark lies. 

We will lawfully resist ✊ their tyrannical satanic agenda and plans for a draconian new world order 👁️ 🔺🌍 ☠️. May we all adequately plan and prepare for future shortages which will occur, due to supply chain interruptions, war, famine, etc., by storing up everything needed to survive and thrive during difficult times. National revolution and spiritual revival are coming. Even when our economy is gradually weakened and the dollar eventually collapsed by the manipulative globalist cabal, Donald our Commander-in-Chief will create a new digital currency to restore our economy, as the competitive Islamist-Communist BRICS alliance continues to expand in the East with their own digital currency. 

As President, Trump will bring a period of serenity, security and prosperity to the USA 🇺🇸 and Israel 🇮🇱, etc., and enable the Israelis to build their long-awaited third temple. Soon, the great Awakening will spread across the world, as the eyes and minds of many are opened to perceive, believe and receive life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In Yahweh the Most High God we trust 🙌.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Prepare For Red October And Black Swan November

Abba Yahweh instructed me to write this new blog today (before the months of October and Tishri soon begin) as a prophetic warning, scriptural instruction, and spiritual encouragement, for life as we know it will very soon drastically change. May we as His sons and daughters be wise, watchful, and prepared to boldly in faith face the satanic darkness to come, with the divine assurance of our subsequent victory in the light of Christ. 

Many ancient biblical and also modern prophets (myself-included) have been given futuristic warnings in messages, dreams and visions of Satan soon increasing the intensity and frequency of his natural and supernatural attacks against humanity as a test of our faith during these birth pangs which precede the seven-year tribulation and the second coming of Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah. The corrupt leftist liberal Socialist-Globalist Democrats are extremely desperate to hold onto power, and also are fearful of Donald Trump winning the Presidency, and opposing their criminal enterprise and anti-American agenda. 

Expect the Democrats to create chaos and do anything possible to make Kamala Harris the “President”, and also attempt to prevent Trump from being rightfully restored to the Oval Office as our true Commander-in-Chief. Yahweh has prophetically confirmed to me and others that it is His divine will to vindicate, re-elect and restore Donald Trump as President for four more years to help His people, including other Christians, Jews, minorities, and the unborn, etc. Trump will also help bring serenity, security and prosperity to the Middle East, and enable the Israelis to build the third temple. 

I also believe that the Ark of the Covenant will be brought out of its hiding place within a sarcophagus in the underground tunnel system underneath Golgotha (Hill of the Skull), where Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah was crucified outside the gates of Jerusalem. There will soon be a worldwide revival and spiritual awakening as the Holy Spirit is poured out on all flesh, as foretold in the Scriptures. 

“And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions." (Joel 2:28)

There is a current shipping strike which will trigger a supply chain disruption and shortage, leading to many store shelves becoming empty. The draconian globalist cabal is intensifying its efforts to destabilize the US dollar and economy, and also is greedily pushing for all-out world war three between NATO, Ukraine and Russia, and also in the Middle East between the Israelis, Shiite Muslims, etc. War generates high profits due to the manufacturing and selling of arms, the acquisition of natural resources, etc. The value of the US dollar will continue to fall until it eventually collapses, with zero possibility of recovery. At that point, Donald Trump (as President) will establish a gold-backed adjustable digital currency to stabilize the American economy, and enable us to compete with the soon-to-come dominant digital currency of the Islamic-Communist BRICS alliance. 

It would be beneficial for all of us to be wise like the ant (Proverbs 6:6-11), and store up everything that we will need to survive and thrive for the near-future time when civil unrest breaks out into the streets of our cities, the electrical power grids are deactivated (by natural disasters or terrorist attacks), economy collapses, or another global plague occurs, etc. Hurricanes, solar storms, and other dangerous natural phenomena are growing progressively worse, as evidenced by the recent Hurricane Helene, volcanic eruptions in multiple countries, etc. 

There are so many variables of what can potentially happen, and we should do our very best by God’s grace, guidance and provision, to be watchmen who are prepared, rather than caught off guard. Be wise like the prophet Joseph who stored up extra grain for seven years, prior to the subsequent seven years of famine. (Genesis 41:48) Also, store up extra spiritual oil in your lamps, as forewarned by Messiah within His parable of the ten virgins. (Matthew 25:1-13) 

In other words, we should invest and spend extra time reading and meditating upon the Holy Bible Scriptures, and basking in the presence of the Holy Spirit via prayer, etc., being filled to the full and even overflowing with His divine Anointing (symbolized as oil), so that we will be spiritually empowered and enabled to endure and to overcome spiritual adversity during these birth pangs and the upcoming tribulation, being watchful and ready for the glorious and triumphant return of Yeshua (Jesus), our supernatural Bridegroom and King of all kings in the darkness of the night as the brightest of all lights, and the true and almighty Christ. 

Our global weather is increasingly becoming chaotic due to the combination of man-made technological weather modification, the Sun and also the Earth gradually reversing the magnetic poles, and the coming of judgment from our Creator against the unrepentant wicked. 

There will be a highly unusual number of astronomical signs occurring simultaneously during the Gregorian calendar month of October and most importantly, the biblical lunar-solar calendar month of Tishri, which will begin during the new moon (October 3rd-4th) and the feast of Yom Teruah (Day of Trumpets). Yahweh God created the lights in the heavens as divine signs of sacred festivals and other important calendar days and years. These lights are used to reveal the current time and calendar date, and also the spiritual time of the fulfillment of biblical prophecies. [Job 9:9 & 38:31-32 ; Joel 2:30-31 ; Revelation 12:1-4] 

“Then God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night. They will serve as signs for festivals and for days and years." (Beresith / Genesis 1:14) 

Mini-moon :

On September 29, an asteroid was captured by Earth's gravity and is a temporary mini-moon which will revolve around our planet until November 25, 2024. 

Solar eclipse 

On October 2, 2024, a “ring of fire” solar eclipse will occur when the new moon aligns with the sun and Earth. 

Venus Returns as an Early Evening Star  

Venus will be the brightest planet in the sky this month. It will also be the early evening star again. On October 5, the second planet from the sun will be visible with the waxing crescent moon towards the east. In the morning, it will set west-southwest. 

Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah metaphorically referred to Himself as the “bright and morning star.” (Revelation 22:16) This was symbolic of the planet Venus, which is the brightest light in the morning (during certain times of the year) prior to sunrise. 

Draconid Meteor Shower Predicted Peak  

After 9 p.m local time on October 7 through the wee small hours of the morning on October 8 is the best time to try and catch this first of two meteor showers this month. With a dark and moonless sky, you may see about 10 Draconid meteors per hour. However, in some rare instances, the fiery constellation Draco the Dragon can release hundreds of meteors in a single hour. The radiant point for this meteor shower is near the stars Eltanin and Rastaban, in the head of the constellation Draco. 

Since Draco is in the northern sky, the Draconids are typically best viewed from the Northern Hemisphere. This is the Chinese year of the dragon, and the (possible antichrist beast) King Charles III recently released a gold minted royal coin depicting him riding the dragon while holding the golden orb representing global domination. Satan, the red dragon will soon rule the one world government via the antichrist, according to Revelation 13, etc. 

Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS 

Also known as Comet A3, this comet will be visible in the evening sky starting around October 12 or 13. It will be located in the west-southwest sky, below the star Arcturus and to the right of Venus. Comets have been perceived as signs of judgment for millennia. I do not believe it is a mere coincidence but rather, divine Providence that this comet will arrive closest to the Earth right around the most holy time of the year on the biblical calendar, Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement). 

These sacred fall (autumn) feast days on the biblical calendar collectively represent a period and time of repentance, divine judgment against unrepentant sin, atonement for sin, and also spiritual revival and harvest. Satan is the thief who comes to steal, kill and destroy. But Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) the Son has come so that we may have abundant divine life. (John 10:10) 

Even though the darkness of Satan is increasing in this fallen world of which he is the temporary god and the prince and power of the air, the divine light of the glory (Kabod / Shekinah) of Yahweh the Most High God is growing brighter, as His Holy Spirit is increasing His Presence and power throughout the nations of the world. This end-times great awakening which was foretold millennia ago will bring in the largest harvest for the Kingdom of God. When Christ returns at the last trump on the last day to Earth with His holy angelic armies as the victorious Lion of Judah, He will resurrect and transform the righteous dead and living saints,  destroy the antichrist beast, false prophet, and all the other unrepentant wicked, and set up a holy Kingdom, of which there shall be no end. (Daniel 6:26 & 7:27 ; Isaiah 9:7 ; Luke 1:33) HalleluYah!!!

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Divine Providence


The protection of Donald J. Trump from the 2nd ass*ssin*tion attempt today was not a mere coincidence but was divine Providence. 🙏 

- "Not yet, My son. We still have work to do."

Monday, September 9, 2024

The 666 Name Gematria Of King Charles And Prince Mohammed

The biblical prophecies repeatedly refer to the antichrist beast as “the prince”. Charles was the longest awaited Prince in history, over 64 years. 

“Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666.” (Revelation 13:18)

This is the gematria (numerical value) of Prince Charles of Wales as 666 in Hebrew, Greek and English : ⬇️

Here is the 666 name gematria of the Sunni Muslim Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Prime Numbers :

Also, this is the 666 name gematria of the Royal Family of Saud in Prime Numbers. 

I believe that Yahweh has prophetically revealed to me and other seers who the antichrist most likely is. Prophet Brandon Biggs was shown visions of the Sunni Muslim Saudi Arabian Prince Mohammed being the final antichrist beast who will rule the new world order. He was shown a futuristic vision of the upcoming flag of the new world order being Saudi Arabian, and Islamic, with a globe symbol in-between Palm branches within two embedded Scimitars symbolizing power. Over the globe are the five stars of the pillars of Islam. The colors are also all Islamic. 

This image ⬇️ is a copy of what he was shown whenever briefly taken into the future by Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah. Never forget this image, for whenever we see it manifested in reality a few years from now, it will be a sign and confirmation of the existence and reign of the draconian and tyrannical antichrist, and the gradual fulfillment of divine prophecies.  

Is King Charles, Prince William, Or Prince Mohammed The Antichrist Beast?

I firmly believe that Yahweh instructed us to calculate and discern who the final antichrist beast king is. He commanded us within the Scriptures, saying, 

“Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666.” (Revelation 13:18)

I highly-recommend that we keep a close eye on both British King Charles and Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Both of them are working together in the globalist peace process to bring serenity and stability to Israel. I was prophetically told by Yahweh that He will reelect Donald Trump as the American President to do many good things, including using the Abrahamic Accords to help the Israelis to build their long-awaited third temple and reinstitute the sacrificial system. 

The spotless red heifers (whose ashes will be used to purify the priests, vessels and the temple) are in Jerusalem, and the Levitical priesthood is trained and prepared to conduct the sacred rituals. All of the vessels for the upcoming temple are ready, with the exception of the golden Ark of the Covenant which I intuitively sense and believe will soon be discovered in its hiding place underground. It will be restored to it’s rightful place in the Holy of holies of the new sanctuary which will be built as a House of prayer to all nations. Many people ignorantly claim that Donald Trump is the “antichrist”. On the contrary, the Hebrew gematria (numerical value) of the name of Donald Trump is 424 in Hebrew, same as Mashiach ben David. 

However, it is King Charles who has the name gematria of 666 in Hebrew, Greek, and English. His principality is the red dragon, as displayed on many idols guarding the portals of the four directions-winds of London, England, and also on the flag of Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿. Likewise, he is called the “messiah (anointed one)” because he was anointed with oil from the Mount of Olives by a Levitical priest during his coronation upon the throne and foundation stone of Jacob (Israel). Charles is the only current anointed king from the royal line of David. The royal family also rule global Freemasonry, and are planning a European (Roman) new world order. 

As for Prince Mohammed bin Salman (who also has Ishmaelite and Jewish ancestry), his name gematria is 666 within the calculation of Prime Numbers. Also, it is very important to note that the Prime Numbers gematria name calculation of “Royal Family of Saud” is 666. I do not believe this to be a mere coincidence. It would be wise to not ignore King Charles or Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who are the two most powerful royals on Earth. They both are also globalists who plan a future world order, at the latest by 2030. 

The biblical prophecies repeatedly refer to the antichrist as “the prince”. Charies was the longest awaited Prince in history, over 64 years. He also is part Ishmaelite, because he descends from the false Islamic prophet Mohammed.  

The biblical prophecies foretell the royal prince/king antichrist beast making a globalist covenant with Israel and many other nations for peace. He will also desecrate the Holy Place of the third temple (after President Trump allows it to be built via the Abrahamic Accords) at the middle 3 1/2 point of the 7-year international agreement, according to Daniel 9:27, etc.

Never underestimate any of the three most powerful royal globalist elites, Prince William, King Charles or Prince Mohammed. The royals Charles and Mohammed have the name gematria of 666, and are directed involved in the ongoing Israeli peace process and goal for the two-state solution. The Christian Nationalist (anti-globalist) Donald Trump will become again President soon, and help the Israelis to build the third temple via the Abrahamic Accords.  

Yahweh used King Cyrus to help Israel build the second temple, and He will sovereignly enable President Trump to do the same with the next House of prayer. Unfortunately, just as the pagan Grecian king Antiochus Epiphanes IV defiled the second temple, the antichrist (most likely either King Charles or Prince Mohammed) will commit the abomination of desolation in the Holy of holies of the third temple at the midpoint of the 7-year covenant during the tribulation, as forewarned in Daniel 9:27, etc.

Another prophetic minister, Brandon Biggs said that he was shown a future soon where people worldwide will worship the antichrist Prince every Friday (which is the main day of the week for Islam), and bow down on mats facing the Eastern Kaaba 🕋 cube, which is factually connected to ancient Arabic Ba’al cults. 

The pro-environmental “Green” Prince Mohammed bin Salman is a wealthy and extremely powerful and influential visionary who promises to change and improve the future of humanity, and to help lead it via a new world order by 2030. 

“Saudi Crown Prince announces ‘The Line’ city project at NEOM”


Prophet Brandon Biggs saw a futuristic vision of the corrupt globalist Roman Catholic Pope Francis as the false prophet, with a main third man in this unholy Trinity, the atheist transhumanist elitist Yuval Noah Harari. I believe that it will be his artificial intelligence and transhuman technology which will be used by the false prophet, combined with satanic sorcery, to reanimate the first (antichrist) beast, who is biblically called the man of sin, and the son of perdition. 

It isn’t a mere coincidence that Saudi Arabia became the very first country in the world to create an artificial intelligence robot which became an official citizen. Is this a precursor to the animated image of the beast foretold in Revelation 13:15? 

“For the First Time Ever, a Country Gave a Robot Citizenship”

“The world has its first robotic citizen in a humanoid robot with an advanced range of emotions.

Saudi Arabia became the first country in the world to grant citizenship to a robot. On October 25th, at the Future Investment Initiative summit in the capital Riyadh, it was announced that Sophia, a humanoid robot developed by Hanson Robotics, became a Saudi citizen.”


I find it extremely interesting that Revelation 13 foretells the assassination of the antichrist beast via a mortal head wound, prior to being reanimated via an image (most likely AI transhumance) by the false prophet’s sorcery). 

“I saw that one of the heads of the beast seemed wounded beyond recovery—but the fatal wound was healed! The whole world marveled at this miracle and gave allegiance to the beast…The second beast was permitted to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship it to be killed.” (Revelation 13:3, 15)

The main man pushing for an Israeli two-state solution has the name gematria of 666, and is the Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman,….who is repeatedly stating publicly in media interviews that he is afraid of being assassinated. The question is : Will he become the antichrist beast, and is he prophetically sensing his own fate?  

“The Saudi Crown Prince Is Talking About An Assassination. His Own.

Many people want to kill the Saudi leader, but is he using such threats as a means to get the U.S. to pressure Israel on a future Palestinian state?”



The third temple will be built soon. There will be a global revival and spiritual awakening, as foretold in Joel 2:28, etc. In case you’re interested, here is the eye-opening and thought-provoking official commercial ad for the project in Jerusalem : 

“Third Temple - Build together for Humanity”


“The Temple Institute: Building the Holy Temple!”


Friday, September 6, 2024

Prayer Request Update About Trump

Thanks and praise be to Yahweh the Most High God 🙌 , the judge decided to delay Trump’s sentencing until after the election, because he fears being sued for election interference. This is not over yet. May we continue in prayer 🙏 until Trump is liberated from this lawfare conducted by corrupt pro-Democrat leftist liberal socialist-globalist powers that be. 

“Judge delays Donald Trump’s sentencing in hush money case until after November election”

“In a decision Friday, Manhattan Judge Juan M. Merchan delayed Trump’s sentencing until Nov. 26, three weeks after the final votes are cast in the U.S. presidential election. The sentencing had been scheduled for Sept. 18, about seven weeks before Election Day.

The delay is the latest bit of good fortune for Trump in an election season that has been laden with legal perils for him.

The new date means voters will choose their next president without knowing whether the Republican nominee is going to jail, nor whether he will even be sentenced at all. Merchan now plans to rule Nov. 12 on Trump’s request to overturn the verdict and toss out the case because of the U.S. Supreme Court’s July presidential immunity ruling.

Merchan explained that he was postponing the sentencing “to avoid any appearance — however unwarranted — that the proceeding has been affected by or seeks to affect the approaching presidential election in which the Defendant is a candidate.””

More at : https://apnews.com/article/trump-hush-money-sentencing-delay-postponed-election-be5a6fd3481055187543236c8dd3b045 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

May We Pray About This Trap Against Trump

In two weeks from today on September 18th is the alleged “Stormy Daniels hush money” case sentencing of Donald J. Trump for “34 counts of falsifying business records” by the corrupt leftist, liberal pro-Democrat judge, Justice Juan M. Merchan in Manhattan. Even though both the porn star Stormy Daniels and the equally-crooked former lawyer, Michael Cohen have been repeatedly sentenced for committing perjury in courtrooms, they are still used as so-called “witnesses” against Trump by evil people who are desperate to stop him by any means necessary. 

We are living in a political season and cycle which is similar in many aspects to the times of chaotic civil warfare surrounding the assassinations of Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy Jr., and Robert F. Kennedy. As King Solomon wisely wrote, “What has been will be again, and what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” (Ecclesiastes 1:9)  

Trump’s recent assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania was obviously an inside job, with a major ongoing coverup being conducted by the globalist cabal, including multiple federal agencies, and also the Democrats who are hell-bent on holding onto power, as the Christian Constitutionalist Nationalist Trump is making his successful return to the presidency. They fear his opposition to their greed, corruption, control, and internationalist agenda for a singular draconian and totalitarian world government. 

The three main human puppet-masters who are pulling the strings of the Biden-Harris administration, and attempting to get Harris-Walz elected, are the corrupt Socialist billionaires George and his son, Alexander Soros, and also the former President Barack Hussein Obama. George Soros has a dark history of using his wealth, power and influence to fund violent organizations, destabilize and destroy national economies, and foment Islamist and Socialist revolutions throughout the world. He (via his son and political proxy, Alexander) is now attempting (with other internationalist power players) to trigger civil unrest, destroy the capitalist economy and Constitutional Republic of the United States of America, and replace it with a weakened third-world county under the control of the United Nations. 

This is a potential trap for the civilian population, for if we riot and wage civil warfare in the streets in protest against the unjust lawfare and persecution, prosecution, and incarceration of the innocent Donald Trump at Riker’s Island prison in New York, then this would potentially give the shady Biden-Harris regime the opportunity to declare martial law, cancel the presidential election, suspend the Constitution, and control the population and nation via the military and technology, etc. 

This is not a prophecy, but a possibility. As the saying goes, “Cooler heads will prevail”. Be calm, cool and collected. We must be wise, exercise self-control, walk in the power (gifts) and fruit (nature) of the Holy Spirit, and avoid fleshly emotionalism, refraining from irresponsible and irrational behavior which leads to negative consequences. 

Even though it is unfair and unjust what is happening to Donald Trump, may we always remember that we are not ultimately in conflict with natural forces, but instead, ancient and malevolent supernatural powers in the higher dimensions above our physical mass/space/time continuum and realm. As we faithfully obey, believe in, and pray to our heavenly Father Yahweh (via the Mediator-Messiah Yeshua [Jesus]) for Donald Trump, our governments, and nations of the world, etc., our Creator will move on our behalf in accordance with His divine will. 

“For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:12) 

“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14) 

May we never forget the examples which were written in the divinely inspired Holy Bible Scriptures as lessons for us to learn from, including the historical accounts of the holy Israelite prophets Daniel and Joseph who unjustly imprisoned due to lawfare conducted by wicked people in power who used deception and manipulation to increase their draconian control over the civilian population. In due season and time, Yahweh manifested His divine justice, and liberated His servants, sovereignly using them to greatly help His holy people of Israel, and also the Gentile nations. He will also do the same with Donald Trump, by setting him free in His appointed season and time from the judicial attacks by the corrupt leftist, liberal Democrats, and their globalist controllers, and rightfully restoring him to the Presidency of the USA. 

This is a season of gradually intensifying shaking, testing and judging by our sovereign Creator. Judgement is coming soon against the unrepentant wicked who defiantly reject His holy counsel, and plot to ensnare the innocent. As our Most High Maker said, “Do not be deceived; God is not to be mocked; For whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap.” (Galatians 6:7) 

“Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” (Mishle’ / Proverbs 16:18) 

“He who digs a pit will fall into it, and he who rolls a stone will have it roll back on him.” (Mishle’ / Proverbs 26:27)

“It is He who changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and establishes kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding!” (Daniel 2:21)

Yahweh commanded us to love everyone, including our leaders, and to pray first of all for them. Also, Yahweh spoke through His prophets to kings, and they were kingmakers. For example, Samuel was appointed by Him to anoint David as king. Yahweh used King Cyrus to help the Israelites. God also used the prophets Moses, Joseph and Daniel, etc., to influence leaders of kingdoms. 

“The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of Yahweh; He turns it wherever He wishes.” (Mishle’ / Proverbs 21:1)

“A man’s steps are established by Yahweh, and He delights in his way.” (Tehillim / Psalms 37:23) 

The Scriptures command us to do whatever it is necessary to cause peace to be amongst others, and to pray for our leaders who rule over us with the divine authority of the sword given to them by the Almighty who is sovereign, raising up leaders, and taking them down within all nations around the world. 

"Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone." (Romans 12:18)

“Do not grow weary in doing well, for you shall reap in due season, if you do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9)

“When the godly are in authority, the people rejoice. But when the wicked are in power, they groan.” (Mishle’ / Proverbs 29:2)

It is time for change. The Wind of God is blowing through the Earth to bring transformation. The re-election and restoration of Donald Trump is soon to come, in combination with the national and international spiritual revival. In the midst of economic instability, Trump as an experienced entrepreneur will guide us with wisdom, much like King Solomon. Though terrorist violence will persist, Trump will be a peacemaker who helps Israelis to build their long-awaited third temple via the continuation of the Abrahamic Accords. Even though the darkness of the hierarchy of Satan grows darker, the divine light of Christ shines  brighter! HalleluYah!!! 

"First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be offered on behalf of all men for kings and all those in authority, so that we may live in peaceful and quiet times in all godliness and dignity. This is good and pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." (1 Timothy 2:2-3)

“…I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and daughters will prophesy; Your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions; On your menservants and maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days.” (Joel 2:28-29)