Tuesday, October 15, 2024

President Trump Will Overcome The Coup By The Democrats

Prophecy : The Christian nationalist Republican Donald J. Trump will win the 2024 Presidential Election 🗳️ on November 5th via the Electoral College majority vote. However, the extremely corrupt leftist liberal Socialist-Globalist Democrats are weakening in influence and are desperate to hold onto power by any means necessary! The fake leader and Soros-Clinton-Obama puppet Kamala Harris will conduct an attempted insurrection and coup in her resistance and opposition to Trump’s rightful election victory. So therefore, the U.S. Supreme Court will ultimately decide to constitutionally confirm the legitimacy of the presidency of Donald Trump. 

This will trigger a huge outcry from the aggressive and violent leftist Marxist bully mob which uses intimidation and destruction against rightist Constitutionalist conservatives. The military will rightfully be used to enforce the peace and quell civil unrest so that law and order are restored to our Republic. The corruption of the Deep Swamp Democratic Party and the globalist cabal is being exposed by the revelatory light of truth which liberates people from the deception and tyranny of dark lies. 

We will lawfully resist ✊ their tyrannical satanic agenda and plans for a draconian new world order 👁️ 🔺🌍 ☠️. May we all adequately plan and prepare for future shortages which will occur, due to supply chain interruptions, war, famine, etc., by storing up everything needed to survive and thrive during difficult times. National revolution and spiritual revival are coming. Even when our economy is gradually weakened and the dollar eventually collapsed by the manipulative globalist cabal, Donald our Commander-in-Chief will create a new digital currency to restore our economy, as the competitive Islamist-Communist BRICS alliance continues to expand in the East with their own digital currency. 

As President, Trump will bring a period of serenity, security and prosperity to the USA 🇺🇸 and Israel 🇮🇱, etc., and enable the Israelis to build their long-awaited third temple. Soon, the great Awakening will spread across the world, as the eyes and minds of many are opened to perceive, believe and receive life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In Yahweh the Most High God we trust 🙌.

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