Friday, August 17, 2018

Celtic (Irish, Scottish and English) Hebrew-Israelite Ten Commandment Law Keepers And Sabbatarians

Millions Of The Celtic (Irish, Scottish and English) Shemite Hebrew-Israelites Were Historically And Still Are Currently Anti-Rome, pro-Messianic/Christian Ten Commandment Keepers And Sabbatarians. Many of them came to North America, long before Columbus. The oldest ancient Hebrew Ten Commandments in stone are here, not in Israel. 

I am Cherokee/Irish/Scottish/English, and many of my ancestors were Jewish sabbatarians who kept the eternal Ten Commandments Law of YaHWeH (which He wrote with His finger upon stone tablets on Mount Sinai over 4,000 years ago). Did you know that the Celtic Irish, Scottish and English peoples are Shemite Hebrew-Israelites who originally came from the tribe of Judah in Israel millennia ago, and that millions of them were heavily pursued, persecuted, imprisoned, tortured, and murdered by the Jesuits and Crusaders of the corrupt paganized Roman Catholic Vatican (which is called Mystery Babylon, within Revelation chapters 17 and 18)?  

All of us who come from the Irish, Scottish and English peoples are factually Shemitic Hebrew-Yisraelites, not Hamitic nor Japhethic “Gentiles”. It is wise to trace and study your genetic roots, and also to learn from past history, to understand who and what you (physically) are. Even “Saint Patrick” (real name : Maewyn Succat) and “Saint” Columba were Celtic Shemite Hebrew-Israelites (not “Roman Catholic Gentiles” who kept the Ten Commandments, and observed the seventh day Sabbath, while resisting the unbiblical traditions of Rome. 

The Hebrew Celts also traveled on ships to North America millennia ago, long before Christopher Columbus and the Roman Catholic Spaniards arrived to “discover” America. The blessings of our forefathers are passed down generationally, and it is up to us to honor their memory and legacy, passing down this sacred knowledge to our future offspring, so that the truth is never forgotten. 

Here’s an interesting fact of history : The book of Maccabees is about Jewish warriors who took control of Judea. The name is derived from the Hebrew word, “makkabah”,  meaning "hammer". The western coast of Scotland and the desolate Hebrides islands are the ancient home of the McAbee family. Their name is derived from the Gaelic form : Mac-Aba"

Mac and Mc are common surnames of the Scottish and Irish 

 “The Bible, the Sabbath, and Ireland—Is the Seventh Day Still Important Today?”

“Celtic Sabbath-Keepers”         


Scotland And Ireland            

Professor James C. Moffatt, D.D., Professor of Church History at Princeton, says: It seems to have been customary in the Celtic churches of early times, in Ireland as well as Scotland, to keep Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath, as a day of rest from labour. They obeyed the fourth commandment literally upon the seventh day of week." "The Church in Scotland," p.140.


"They worked on Sunday, but kept Saturday in a Sabbatical manner." A history of Scotland from the Roman Occupation, Vol. I, p.96. Andrew Lang

They held that Saturday was properly the Sabbath on which they abstained from work. "Celtic Scotland," Vol. 2, p. 350

"They worked on Sunday, but kept Saturday in a sabbatical manner...These things Margaret abolished." A History of Scotland from the Roman Occupation," Vol.1, p. 96.

Scotland And Ireland
"T. Ratcliffe Barnett, in his book on the fervent Catholic queen of Scotland who in 1060 was first to attempt the ruin of Columba's brethren, writes: 'In this matter the Scots had perhaps kept up the traditional usage of the ancient Irish Church which observed Saturday instead of Sunday as the day of rest.'" Barnett, "Margaret of Scotland: Queen and Saint," p.97

"For twenty years Peter de Bruys stirred southern France. He especialy emphasised a day of worship that was recognized at that time amaong the Celtic churches of the British Isles among the Paulicians, and in the great Church of the East namely, the the seventh day of the fourth commandment."  
"There is much evidence that the Sabbath prevailed in Wales university until A.D.1115, when the first Roman bishop was seated at St. David's. The old Welslh Sabbath-keeping churches did not even then altogether bow the knee to Rome, but fled to their hiding places." Lewis, "Seventh Day Baptists in Europe and America," Vol.1, p.29

"In the reign of Elizabeth, it occurred to many conscientious and independent thinkers (as it previously had done to some Protestants in Bohemia) that the fourth commandment required of them the observance, not of the first, but of the specified 'seventh' day of the week." Chambers' Cyclopaedia, article "Sabbath," Vol. 8, p. 462, 1537 

“Early Hebraic Practices of the Celtic Peoples”    


“Traditions of Israelite Descent     
  in Scotland”

“Sabbatarianism History” 


“Sabbath Observance Through The Centuries”




“St. Patrick kept the sabbath”      


“Patrick and the Early Celtic Church:
Sunday-keeping Roman Catholics or Sabbath-observant Christians?”


“Sabbath : The Real Saint Patrick’s Day”       

“Hebrew Scotland”   


“Was Part of Pergamos in Britain, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland?”


“SABBATH THROUGH THE AGES -2 “History of Sabbath Keeping”  








“The World Changing History Of Celtic Irish And Scottish Hebrew Israelites, And Their Messianic-Protestant Resistance Of Pagan Rome”  


“Celtic Iberi And The Hebrews”  


“The Celts As Israelites”       


The Irish Hebrew peoples came to North America long before Columbus... 

EVIDENCE: The Irish Found West Virginia Before Columbus Found America


“Irish DNA originated in Middle East and Eastern Europe”

“The ancestors of the Stone Age farmers began their journey in the Bible lands, where agriculture first began, and arrived in Ireland perhaps via the southern Mediterranean.”

Celtic Peoples and their Israelite Origins”     


“Have you ever wondered why the men of Scotland wear the Egyptian kilt? 

 ...and their Egyptian Dna Connection

Why did Egyptian authorities refuse to make public the Dna of Egyptian mummies?  There was a shocking reason why!  Something they didn't want you to know! “


“What Happened To The Tribe Of Judah”

The Bloody Red Hand Of Ulster 


“Ulster and Judah”      


“Dua[ch], the last king of the Irish "Fir-De", descended from Ion, the first king of the Irish "Fir-De", or "Tuathe-De", who led a party of Jewish refugees to Ireland about 585BC following the Babylonian conquest of Judea, who is identified with the Jewish prince Johanan, son of Prince Kareah, the brother of King Josiah of Judah, who was a claimant to the Israeli throne. The proponents of the theory of British Israelism have written many books to substantiate this supposition.”


“You Won't Believe Where This Ancient Ten Commandments Carving Was Found”


“Irish Colony In South Carolina Predates Columbus”


“History Of Irish And Scottish Israelites” 


“The Migration Of The Scottish-Irish From
Ulster To North Carolina”



“The Maccabee – How the Union Jack got its Christian Stripes”


“Historically, Who Were The Levites?”

It may surprise some people to know that the Levites were once a mighty nation in Europe who ruled over all the Tribes of Israel.  The rest of the Tribes of Israel have all but suppressed the identity of these people.  Yet they totally reshaped history.”


Full text of "When Scotland Was Jewish"


“England, the Remnant of Judah, and the Israel of Ephraim”


“Geological Evidence for the British Throne of David?”



The Coronation Stone of England and Scotland

The Stone of Israel”


“The Stone That Roared -- The Incredible Story of LIA-FAIL!”



“The Hebrew-Celtic Connection”   


“Judah and Dan in Ireland” 

“Lost Tribes of Israel” 

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