Monday, September 9, 2024

The 666 Name Gematria Of King Charles And Prince Mohammed

The biblical prophecies repeatedly refer to the antichrist beast as “the prince”. Charles was the longest awaited Prince in history, over 64 years. 

“Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666.” (Revelation 13:18)

This is the gematria (numerical value) of Prince Charles of Wales as 666 in Hebrew, Greek and English : ⬇️

Here is the 666 name gematria of the Sunni Muslim Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Prime Numbers :

Also, this is the 666 name gematria of the Royal Family of Saud in Prime Numbers. 

I believe that Yahweh has prophetically revealed to me and other seers who the antichrist most likely is. Prophet Brandon Biggs was shown visions of the Sunni Muslim Saudi Arabian Prince Mohammed being the final antichrist beast who will rule the new world order. He was shown a futuristic vision of the upcoming flag of the new world order being Saudi Arabian, and Islamic, with a globe symbol in-between Palm branches within two embedded Scimitars symbolizing power. Over the globe are the five stars of the pillars of Islam. The colors are also all Islamic. 

This image ⬇️ is a copy of what he was shown whenever briefly taken into the future by Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah. Never forget this image, for whenever we see it manifested in reality a few years from now, it will be a sign and confirmation of the existence and reign of the draconian and tyrannical antichrist, and the gradual fulfillment of divine prophecies.  

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