Monday, September 9, 2024

Is King Charles, Prince William, Or Prince Mohammed The Antichrist Beast?

I firmly believe that Yahweh instructed us to calculate and discern who the final antichrist beast king is. He commanded us within the Scriptures, saying, 

“Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666.” (Revelation 13:18)

I highly-recommend that we keep a close eye on both British King Charles and Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Both of them are working together in the globalist peace process to bring serenity and stability to Israel. I was prophetically told by Yahweh that He will reelect Donald Trump as the American President to do many good things, including using the Abrahamic Accords to help the Israelis to build their long-awaited third temple and reinstitute the sacrificial system. 

The spotless red heifers (whose ashes will be used to purify the priests, vessels and the temple) are in Jerusalem, and the Levitical priesthood is trained and prepared to conduct the sacred rituals. All of the vessels for the upcoming temple are ready, with the exception of the golden Ark of the Covenant which I intuitively sense and believe will soon be discovered in its hiding place underground. It will be restored to it’s rightful place in the Holy of holies of the new sanctuary which will be built as a House of prayer to all nations. Many people ignorantly claim that Donald Trump is the “antichrist”. On the contrary, the Hebrew gematria (numerical value) of the name of Donald Trump is 424 in Hebrew, same as Mashiach ben David. 

However, it is King Charles who has the name gematria of 666 in Hebrew, Greek, and English. His principality is the red dragon, as displayed on many idols guarding the portals of the four directions-winds of London, England, and also on the flag of Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿. Likewise, he is called the “messiah (anointed one)” because he was anointed with oil from the Mount of Olives by a Levitical priest during his coronation upon the throne and foundation stone of Jacob (Israel). Charles is the only current anointed king from the royal line of David. The royal family also rule global Freemasonry, and are planning a European (Roman) new world order. 

As for Prince Mohammed bin Salman (who also has Ishmaelite and Jewish ancestry), his name gematria is 666 within the calculation of Prime Numbers. Also, it is very important to note that the Prime Numbers gematria name calculation of “Royal Family of Saud” is 666. I do not believe this to be a mere coincidence. It would be wise to not ignore King Charles or Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who are the two most powerful royals on Earth. They both are also globalists who plan a future world order, at the latest by 2030. 

The biblical prophecies repeatedly refer to the antichrist as “the prince”. Charies was the longest awaited Prince in history, over 64 years. He also is part Ishmaelite, because he descends from the false Islamic prophet Mohammed.  

The biblical prophecies foretell the royal prince/king antichrist beast making a globalist covenant with Israel and many other nations for peace. He will also desecrate the Holy Place of the third temple (after President Trump allows it to be built via the Abrahamic Accords) at the middle 3 1/2 point of the 7-year international agreement, according to Daniel 9:27, etc.

Never underestimate any of the three most powerful royal globalist elites, Prince William, King Charles or Prince Mohammed. The royals Charles and Mohammed have the name gematria of 666, and are directed involved in the ongoing Israeli peace process and goal for the two-state solution. The Christian Nationalist (anti-globalist) Donald Trump will become again President soon, and help the Israelis to build the third temple via the Abrahamic Accords.  

Yahweh used King Cyrus to help Israel build the second temple, and He will sovereignly enable President Trump to do the same with the next House of prayer. Unfortunately, just as the pagan Grecian king Antiochus Epiphanes IV defiled the second temple, the antichrist (most likely either King Charles or Prince Mohammed) will commit the abomination of desolation in the Holy of holies of the third temple at the midpoint of the 7-year covenant during the tribulation, as forewarned in Daniel 9:27, etc.

Another prophetic minister, Brandon Biggs said that he was shown a future soon where people worldwide will worship the antichrist Prince every Friday (which is the main day of the week for Islam), and bow down on mats facing the Eastern Kaaba 🕋 cube, which is factually connected to ancient Arabic Ba’al cults. 

The pro-environmental “Green” Prince Mohammed bin Salman is a wealthy and extremely powerful and influential visionary who promises to change and improve the future of humanity, and to help lead it via a new world order by 2030. 

“Saudi Crown Prince announces ‘The Line’ city project at NEOM”

Prophet Brandon Biggs saw a futuristic vision of the corrupt globalist Roman Catholic Pope Francis as the false prophet, with a main third man in this unholy Trinity, the atheist transhumanist elitist Yuval Noah Harari. I believe that it will be his artificial intelligence and transhuman technology which will be used by the false prophet, combined with satanic sorcery, to reanimate the first (antichrist) beast, who is biblically called the man of sin, and the son of perdition. 

It isn’t a mere coincidence that Saudi Arabia became the very first country in the world to create an artificial intelligence robot which became an official citizen. Is this a precursor to the animated image of the beast foretold in Revelation 13:15? 

“For the First Time Ever, a Country Gave a Robot Citizenship”

“The world has its first robotic citizen in a humanoid robot with an advanced range of emotions.

Saudi Arabia became the first country in the world to grant citizenship to a robot. On October 25th, at the Future Investment Initiative summit in the capital Riyadh, it was announced that Sophia, a humanoid robot developed by Hanson Robotics, became a Saudi citizen.”

I find it extremely interesting that Revelation 13 foretells the assassination of the antichrist beast via a mortal head wound, prior to being reanimated via an image (most likely AI transhumance) by the false prophet’s sorcery). 

“I saw that one of the heads of the beast seemed wounded beyond recovery—but the fatal wound was healed! The whole world marveled at this miracle and gave allegiance to the beast…The second beast was permitted to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship it to be killed.” (Revelation 13:3, 15)

The main man pushing for an Israeli two-state solution has the name gematria of 666, and is the Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman,….who is repeatedly stating publicly in media interviews that he is afraid of being assassinated. The question is : Will he become the antichrist beast, and is he prophetically sensing his own fate?  

“The Saudi Crown Prince Is Talking About An Assassination. His Own.

Many people want to kill the Saudi leader, but is he using such threats as a means to get the U.S. to pressure Israel on a future Palestinian state?”


The third temple will be built soon. There will be a global revival and spiritual awakening, as foretold in Joel 2:28, etc. In case you’re interested, here is the eye-opening and thought-provoking official commercial ad for the project in Jerusalem : 

“Third Temple - Build together for Humanity”

“The Temple Institute: Building the Holy Temple!”

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