Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Need For Set-Apart Meditation, Trance and Stillness For Increasing Divine Awareness/Perception

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All throughout history up until now, untold numbers of both ancient and modern believers of our loving, heavenly Abba (Father) have sought after His divine nature and power via the sacred Covenants, desiring not only the deepening of relationship and intimate, spiritual communion as "deep calls unto deep", but also to see with spiritual sight and hear His sacred Voice. Without receiving this impartation of instruction, guidance and revelation, we would spiritually stumble around in continual satanic darkness and never find the Way, but remain inevitably lost, always falling short of His Shekinah Glory as well as failing to achieving the fullness of the divine Ruwach (Spirit) through Messiah and the fulfillment of our potential and destiny.

In the beginning, we were created in His perfect Image and Likeness and to be the clear expression and pure emanation of the divine. However, due to our fall into the lower, carnal, self-centered, egotistical nature, Messiah had to come and establish the Atonement (at-one-ment), redeeming us from the Curse and cycle of sin/death. It is by "beholding the Glory of the Master as in a mirror" that we are being "transformed from glory to glory by the Ruwach". How do we "behold the Glory as in a mirror"? How is it possible to truly "Be still and know I Am Elohim...", as it is written in Tehillim/Psalms 46:10? What did David mean (in 62:5) when he wrote, "My soul, wait silently for Elohim alone, for my expectation is from Him"?

David also said in reference to himself and all of humanity, (within 139:14), "I am fearfully and wonderfully made". As the written Set-Apart Word, biology, science, and quantum physics, etc., confirm, the human is an extremely complex and intricate being, consisting of many levels and dimensions. He created us as both supernatural and natural beings with the ability to operate via multiple dimensions, not only the universal space-matter-time continuum, but also Consciousness and Spirit, for this is why we ourselves are triune beings made of matter (body), soul (consciousness) and spirit.

It has been documented by neuroscience that we only use approximately 6 to 10% of our brains. Likewise, geneticists confirm that 95 to 98% of our DNA is "turned off" and is currently inactive, being called "junk DNA", and yet, experiments have proven that many of these inactive strands of DNA can become "turned on" and activated by electromagnetic frequency stimulation. Why is such a large percentage of our brains and DNA seemingly inaccessible and inactive? I firmly believe that this is due to the fall into sin, and our heavenly Abba's will for us to not be able to use the full capacity and capabilities of our brain and DNA, for if we operated with 100% of our human potential while still corrupted by the curse of sin/death, the power would be greatly abused and humanity would be completely wiped out.

History has shown time and time again what happens when sinful humans gain some measure and degree of power and authority. As the sayings go, they become
"drunk with power", for "absolute power corrupts absolutely", and this leaves many innocent victims in its wake. In our current and weakened state of existence, we cannot be completely open to the entirety and fullness of all divinely supernatural and natural consciousness, for if we were, then we would not be able to handle the infinite and finite load of information and process it all in a beneficial and healthy manner, but would instead become overstimulated, overwhelmed and destabilized by the sheer enormity, vastness and weight of it. This is why the Word says that we "see through a glass dimly", or in other words, we only perceive fragments and parts of true Reality in the realm of the Spirit.

In order for us to function and survive at this time within our current state with balance and sanity, the brain and central nervous system serve as a reducing valve through which supernatural and natural consciousness is funneled into it, thus being filtered in three main layers, called the conscious, subconscious and unconscious. Our brains are similar to radios with antennas which can be tuned into various frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum and spiritual dimensions. We can either tap into the set-apart Mind and Consciousness of our Abba of lights through Messiah by the Spirit, the unholy collective mind and consciousness of the satanic darkness of this world system, or deeper into our own multi-layered consciousness which is influenced either by Good or evil in various areas. The need for renewing our minds on His Word and tuning into His Voice on a consistent basis is imperative and extremely vital and important for our predestined spiritual
 growth and transformation.

The conscious is the smallest, most reduced and basic part of our mind which we normally use on a daily basis. It employs to direct our attention toward a particular object which has been selected from the limitless assortment of (at the forefront) thoughts, emotions, feelings, physical sensations, sensory messages, field-elements, etc. The subconscious is the area of our mind which is slightly below the conscious on the brain-wave frequency level, being where we can focus into (while still awake) during reflection in order to retrieve thoughts, creative insight, solutions, memories, etc. It is also the "seat" of our intuition (extra-sensory perception or sensing of things within the supernatural and natural realms which are not perceived by natural senses), and where our main and deep communication/prayer and reception (receiving of revelation and visions) in the Spirit occurs.

Last of all, the unconscious is the deepest layer which cannot be accessed at all while still being awake, and this consists of the greatest part of our mind and contains all memories of past experiences and everything which we have learned in life, and is likewise, the main and unseen driving force of our (good and evil) thought patterns, emotional states, and behavior. This is also where Abba can speak to us in spiritual dreams while in the R.E.M. (rapid eye movement), dreaming state and delta brainwave frequencies.
The conscious mind can be symbolically perceived as a type of the visible "tip of the iceberg", while the main parts (the subconscious and unconscious) abide unseen "underwater". The largest majority of our carnal/fleshly behavior is rooted in the unconscious, and the Bible non-coincidentally refers to deeply embedded areas of darkness as "roots" (such as greed/bitterness, in 1 Tim. 6:10; Heb. 12:15) and "strongholds" (2 Cor. 10:4,5) from which everything springs forth (Matt. 15:18,19). Due to the corruption of our entire mind (on all three main levels by the sinful, carnal nature) the written Word says that our minds must be "renewed"/reprogrammed (Romans 12:2 ; Eph. 4:23), stating the need (in Hebrews 4:12) for the "Sword of the Spirit" to pierce and divide between the parts of our soul(mind, will, emotions) and spirit, ...being a discerner of the thoughts and intentions of the heart (which includes our innermost subconscious, unconscious and spirit).

Likewise, our brain is considered as having two opposite, yet, interconnected hemispheres. While both hemispheres possess the ability to analyze sensory data, perform memory functions, learn new information, form thoughts, and make decisions, they are also uniquely different in their roles. The left hemisphere specializes in analytical thoughts, being responsible for dealing with "hard" facts such as abstractions, structure, discipline, rules, time sequences, mathematics, categorizing, logic, rationality, and deductive reasoning. Its functions also include the responsibility for details, knowledge, definitions, planning, goals, words, productivity, efficiency, science, technology, stability, extraversion, physical activity, and the right side of the body, being the predominant focus in school and society.

The right hemisphere of the brain specializes in "softer" aspects than the left, being responsible for intuition, feelings, sensitivity, emotions, daydreaming, visualizing, creativity, color, spatial awareness, and first impressions, as well as for rhythm and music, spontaneity, impulsiveness, the physical senses, risk-taking, flexibility and variety, learning by experience, relationships, spirituality, play and sports, introversion, humor, motor skills, and the left side of the body. It also has a holistic method of perception that is able to recognize patterns and similarities and combines those elements into new forms. It has been proven in experiments that prayer (in our native language as well as with the gift of other languages/"tongues" by Spirit-utterance), meditation, praise and worship, and other expressions of spirituality all operate through the right hemisphere of the brain during bioelectrical alpha and theta brain wave frequencies and trance states of consciousness.
(Tehillim/Psalms 49:3) "My mouth will speak wisdom, and the meditation from my heart will be understanding."

Meditation : "a mental discipline by which one attempts to get beyond the left-hemisphere, reflexive, academically and logically "thinking" mind (faster beta brain wave frequency state) into right hemisphere brain functions of deep modes of relaxation or spiritual awareness (in the slower alpha and theta brain wave states). It often involves musing, pondering, revolving a thought within one's mind in reflection, as well as turning attention to a single point of reference or focusing on a central spiritual source and being."
Trance : "is from Latin 'transpire': to cross, pass over and the multiple meaning of the polyvalent homonym "entrance" as a verb and noun provide insight into the nature of trance as a threshold, conduit or channel."

Before I continue, it needs to be stated that there is an unfortunate and overzealous fear and negative stigma within many believers of what is called "meditation" and the "trance state of consciousness", due to widespread misunderstanding and misinterpretation. In part, this is understandable because many want to avoid the trappings of pagan and occultic philosophies and practices. On one hand, we MUST avoid spiritual darkness at all costs, as He commanded in His Word for our express benefit and blessing. Having nothing to do with these futile customs, traditions and practices of false religions (various forms of witchcraft, New Age, Eastern philosophies, etc.) will preserve us from becoming completely deceived and enslaved by fallen angels and demonic spirits.

Our Messiah specifically warned us in MatisYahuw /Matthew 6:7, "And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words. Therefore, do not be like them."

Whenever one deliberately enters into a meditative trance and opens up the self to the spirits of this fallen world through the chanting of vainly repetitive mantras, occultic music, focusing upon and visualizing idols (such as Buddha), etc., it makes that person vulnerable to becoming not only influenced by spiritual darkness, but also completely possessed and controlled. This is how many shamans, monks, and other practitioners of this system can and do display powerful occultic abilities of "mind over matter", such as levitation, telepathy, healing, divination, etc., all of which are satanic counterfeits of the true "gifts of the Spirit" as the apostle Shaul/Paul referred to within Scripture.

We must keep in mind that like many things in life, whether it be power, money, sex, etc., meditative, trance states of consciousness are neutral in and of themselves and thoughts and intentions of the heart which determine whether or not it becomes Good or evil. Who is it that we are truly seeking? Who is the focus of our worship and the spiritual source to whom we are opening ourselves up to? HaShatan (the adversary) and his hierarchy of fallen angels and demons do not create anything on their own, but merely mimic, imitate and counterfeit the divine and absolute Truth of our heavenly Abba of lights. If they are counterfeiting something,...then there is a real and righteous side to the matter.

Trances are completely normal and whether we admit it or not, we enter these altered states of consciousness on a daily basis. For example, our brains shift from the hyper-alert gamma and normal-alert beta (brain wave frequencies) into the slower and more spiritually open and sensitive alpha and theta states from many causes, such as whenever we drift off to sleep or right after waking up (where we experience hypnagogic or hypnopompic reverie), while driving long distances, daydreaming, enjoying the sights and sounds of nature, watching television, listening to various types of music, visualizing, praying, worshipping, etc. This shift in consciousness can also be caused by creating art, swimming and floating on water, aromatherapy, massage, playing video games, fasting, malnutrition, becoming injured or ill, experiencing migraines or dizziness, hyperventilation, epilepsy, photostimulation, being in darkness for an extended period of time (also called sensory deprivation), hypnosis, electrical brain stimulation, watching blinking lights with eyes opened or closed, ingesting psychoactive and psychedelic/hallucinogenic medicines/drugs and other various substances, etc.

Whenever we enter these slower frequency states of mind, we reap ENORMOUS benefits and blessing, such as gaining insight through reflection, divine revelation from the Spirit of our Abba, and receiving fresh impartation of energy/strength, and healing from Him which renews us continually, just as His Word commands us to do in waiting upon Him in silence and stillness so that we may become filled, strengthened and renewed (Isaiah 40:31; Psalms 27:14, etc.). Within 2 Kings 3:11-15, we read that others wanted to receive a Word from Him through the prophet Elisha, and when he went to seek Him for a divine Message, he had a person play the harp so he could become increasingly sensitive to His Voice through worship. The shepherd/king David also did the same and this is how he became so incredibly open to being inspired to sing and write spiritual psalms, as well as receiving prophetic revelations, etc.

(Habakkuk 2:1) "I will stand at my watch, and station myself on the watchtower, and wait to see what He says to me, and what to answer when I am corrected."

In this state of mind, our "brain chatter" and mental "noise" and the constant barrage of thoughts cease as they become quietened and stilled to the point where we are no longer distracted and are increasingly enabled to accurately hear Abba's divine Voice speaking into our hearts via intense and intuitive impressions, sensations, and visual images for the purpose of revealing more of Himself and quickening us to become more like Him in unity as one Essence and Spirit.

Likewise, biochemicals such as endorphins,

 seratonin, dopamine, and melatonin are released into our bloodstream and the rest of our body from the brain, promoting well-being, serene and joyous feelings, boosting the immune system's ability to the body from injuries and illness, etc.

If we do not "enter His rest" and "be still" in meditation, etc., (abiding in these brainwave states while focusing on Him), then we will suffer needlessly from over-stimulation of the left hemisphere of the brain, the conscious mind loses focus and concentration, and the body will experience "burnout" and succumb increasingly to weakness and illness. Also, we will have lack from not spending ample time in His set-apart Presence to deepen our relationship with Him and receiving divine revelation which enables us to walk in the Spirit with effectiveness and power, rather than abiding in the fallen, carnal nature.

The written Word confirms within many passages of set-apart and inspired Scripture of this true reality of believers being led by the Ruwach to enter into awake-trances as well as deep sleep for the purpose of receiving divine revelation from Him in visions, dreams, etc. Here are a few examples : Bereshith/Genesis 15:12; Bemidbar/Numbers 24:4,16; Iyob/Job 4:13 and 33:15; Dani'el 8:18 and 10:9; Acts 10:10, 11:5 and 22:17, Revelation 1:10, etc.
Within Acts 10:10, the word "trance" is derived from "ekstasis", which our English word "ecstasy" stems from --"stasis" (to stand) and "ec" (ex, out), hence to "stand out of yourself." The Greek lexicon defines this word as "a state of being brought about by YHWH, in which consciousness is wholly or partially suspended."

All of the images which we see in our mind while our eyes are closed, as well as on occasion with them open (in deep trance) are manifested by electrobiochemical releases in the brain (with or without the influence and impartation of energy from the supernatural realm and spirits, whether
set-apart or unset-apart). Every image which is perceived in our mind's "eye" is caused by electromagnetic frequencies and the lower our brainwave energy cycles are, the more intense and complex the images are projected from the visual cortex of the brain.

Most people are unaware of this fact : our Pineal gland (which is located in the center of the brain) secretes a natural biochemical hallucinogen called "DMT", and on natural and supernatural levels causes the perception of visions and dreams. We can also see visual entoptic images through phosphenes which are directly induced by mechanical, electrical, or magnetic stimulation of the retinas of our eyes, optic nerves or visual cortex as well as by random firing of cells in the visual system. Likewise, frequencies of light beamed through our eyes (while closed) produce the same effect. The visuals which are perceived can range from five basic types : 1) the grating, lattice, fretwork, filigree, honeycomb, and chessboard design, 2) the cobweb, 3) the tunnel, vortex, funnel, alley, cone or vessel, 4) two and three-dimenional geometric shapes and 5) the spiral. In the deepest trance states, one sees natural or supernatural visions and dreams of scenes, people, powerful memories, spiritual revelations, etc.

These are the five brainwave frequencies :

1) Gamma : 30 to 70 Hz (cycles per second). Gamma waves play a supportive, integral role in the brain, being present mostly while a subject is awake, but will always be supported by other waves in the beta, alpha, theta, or delta ranges.
2) Beta : 13 to 30 Hz. This brain wave occurs when your conscious mind is in control, indicating a mental state of logical thought, analysis, and action. In this state, you remain alert and awake, while being conversative, active, solving problems, etc.

3) Alpha : 7 to 13 Hz. Most prominent during deep reflection, meditation, prayer, listening to or making music, relaxation, as well as before and after sleep. It also is the state of mind in which inspiration and speed learning is possible, etc. 

4) Theta : 4 to 7 Hz. Occurs during deep meditation and prayer, intense focus, as well as during deep hypnagogic or hypnopompic reverie (before and after sleep) where the images in the mind are colorful and life-like, such as visuals of landscapes, people, powerful memories recalled with precision, etc. It is this state of mind where visions occur via supernatural or hallucinogenic means.

5) Delta : 1 to 4 Hz. Occurs in the deepest level of the mind, called the "unconscious", and is the state where supernatural or natural dreams occur. Likewise, it is the deepest state of meditation whenever one is completely surrendered in the Spirit of our Abba or to demonic spirits of darkness, and can potentially be when out-of-body experiences occur, such as hinted at within various Scriptures, including 2 Corinthians 12:1-4 and Revelation 4:1.
All in all, what does this information mean or imply? It clearly shows for the record that we are multi-dimensional beings who were created in His divine Image and Likeness, and if we open ourselves up in trance states of consciousness to the forces of darkness through deception, we will become possessed and controlled by them for the plans, purposes and pursuits of spiritual darkness, rebellion against the Most High Elohim, and ultimately end up being cast into Hades where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, where the punishments are far more severe than we can conceive or imagine.

However, if we become still before Him in spirit, soul and body, meditating upon His Word and Essence, worshipping in Spirit and Truth, as well as abiding in intimate prayer and communion from "heart to heart", our mind becomes quietened and we are able to receive greater degrees and levels of divine characteristics, revelation, and power which is necessary for individual spiritual growth and transformation, in combination with receiving what is needed for impartation unto others who have lack, and thus benefit the collective Body of Messiah as we reach for the measure of the stature of divine FULLness and completion.

At first, many years ago, I had absolutely no idea of how to meditate upon Him, and felt as if I could not see nor hear His revelatory communication, for this all seemed so foreign and unfamiliar. But after continual patience, practice and discipline with Him teaching me step by step to gradually let go of trying to remain in physical control of my outer and inner "world", I learned to let go and become receptive to the infinite flowing of His divine Energy and Presence flowing through me as a vessel, and merging increasingly with Him in many facets and aspects. Needless to say, I became a changed man and now see life through a seemingly different "lens" or "set of eyes" with the Mind of Messiah increasingly saturating my consciousness and granting spiritual perspective and vision of Abba Yah's divine handiwork and pattern in all things.

So of you're asking, "How do I enter this relaxed state of mind where I'm open to seeing what He desires to reveal and hear what He is speaking", here goes :

Shift your focus from the outside and external five senses (of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch) to the inward place in your mind and heart and let your sole concentration be upon Him, the written Word, as well as His Presence which abides within and surrounds you, being closer than your very breath and permeating every atomic particle and molecule of your being. Pour forth prayer, praise and worship from your heart to His with total and complete abandon and without reservation, and your energy will progressively mingle with His as He continually sums up and absorbs more of you into Himself. It is all about relationship. It is all about Covenant, with all of you being His and all of Him being yours as one, combined in divine fusion.

He is a Person, as well as pure Energy. He is in Heaven as well as here on Earth, being outside and also within the universe. How can that be? It is futile to attempt to grasp the fullness of Infinity with a finite mind at this point in time, for we are not yet perfected. Just take it one step at a time. As the saying goes, "Small steps". Human language is grossly insufficient and words fail me, for I cannot possibly explain exactly how you will know when He is moving and operating within you, but trust me, when He reveals Himself, in your heart, you will know that you know it is Him in such an undeniable way which you cannot be convinced otherwise, no matter how strongly haShatan tries to plague you with doubt or how skeptical others are.

It is all about faith being in operation while not yet seeing, hearing or experiencing the divine, and as you patiently wait in His Presence, in time, you will  sense Something/SomeOne unique, different and powerful in your spirit, as well as possibly seeing greater aspects of the sacred within your mind. These revelations of His Nature and Power will touch you in a deeply profound way as He not only confirms His written Word, but also creates changes in you which make you increasingly as He is. His peace will strengthen your heart, and His love lift you higher as the Spirit floods and fills your being with the abundance of the "Living Waters" which quench your spiritual thirst/hunger and satisfy the longings and desire of the soul.

The ancient Tabernacle and Temple were merely types and foreshadows of the true Temple, which we are. May we go past the outer court (body), through the Set-Apart Place (soul), and enter into the Holy of holies (spirit) and meet Him as "deep calls unto Deep". This is the true "Secret Place of the Most High" and He abides there always, waiting on you to fellowship and commune with Him as one.

If any of you fear letting go of ego and letting YAH flow, don't be hard on yourself, but patient as His Spirit gently woos, teaches and guides you in faithful surrender, just as one must have faith in taking a deep breath, laying in the water and trusting that you will float on the water without sinking and drowning. I promise you,...THIS is the Path to true Freedom and sacred Liberation. His perfect Love will cast out all your fear, the possibilities are limitless and you shall NEVER be the same again.

(Mark 9:23) "Yahuwshua said to him, 'If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes."

In Him we live, move and have our being,

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