Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Satanic Plan To Create A Slave Race Of Genetically Corrupted And Machine Controlled Humans

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As this age is quickly drawing to a close, humanity is being propelled forward through many transformative changes, and how we respond to these challenges and hardships will determine a great deal about our future destiny. Did you know that ever since the (Homeo-Sapiens) human race was created in the image and likeness of the Most High Elohim, that haSatan, our spiritual adversary has been diligently attempting to change and distort this image into one of his own making, to rob us of what it truly means to be human, and to "replace" the Messianic seed (true body of believers, sons/daughters of the Almighty One) by establishing a satanic race of "advanced" hybrid beings intermingled with technological machinery? Does this sound "far-fetched" and "delusional"? As the saying goes, "Truth is stranger than fiction", and all around us, the evidence of this coming reality continues to mount exponentially as we arrive closer with blinding speed to the undeniable and open unveiling of so-called "human enhancement".

Abba spoke prophetically to "the serpent of old" in Bereshith/Genesis 3:15, concerning the enmity between the seed (meaning : "offspring/children") of the woman (Eve), and the seed of haSatan. Not only was He referring to the coming of Messiah, but also the overall spiritual war which will continue between the righteous and unrighteous offspring until the judgment against evil is finalized and complete. In ancient times, not only did the fallen angels alter the DNA of humans (and animals) in creating giant (Nephilim and Anakim) hybrids (as confirmed in Genesis 6:1-4 ; Numbers 13:33, 1 Enoch 6:1,2 & 7:1-5, Jasher 4:18, etc.), but this satanic corruption of humans continues in current times as what is normally called "alien abduction" phenomena, consisting of serpentine/reptilian beings with demonic powers selectively manipulating the bodies and minds of abductees via various means, including tampering with DNA, extracting sperm/eggs, implanting biochips, performing mind-control, etc.

Just the same, corrupt government/military/scientific agencies around the world have been performing "biotechnology" genetic manipulation experiments for decades in cloning, selectively "tweaking" or "enhancing" the genetic potential of individual species, as well as creating "transgenics" by collectively intermingling in various combinations and measures the specific cells and DNA strains of humans, animals, plants, and insects, etc., ...all in an attempt to bring "perfection" and "maximum peak potential" to whatever subject they esteem would be best in serving their interests. In Genesis chapter 1, Elohim specifically said that every species was to reproduce "after its own kind", and thus, it is an abomination and outright rebellious and dangerous to intermingle the genetic structure of different species.

Even though many projects are conducted in "above top secret", "black" operations, consisting of things and activities which you and I can only speculate about,...there has been some public media coverage about various aspects of this growing scientific field, including organ harvesting, embryonic animal/human "chimera" experiments, mice growing human ears, pigs being born with human blood in their veins, sheep whose livers and hearts are largely human, and so on. It is not by mere chance that many ancient petroglyphs, hieroglyphs, and other sources display "chimera" half human/animal creatures and pagan "demi-deities" in their historical, religious and mythological records. Is history repeating itself?

Many scientists have warned that once a genetically-altered species comes into contact and directly blends with a natural (unaltered) species, the results are more far-reaching and potentially catastrophic than most realize. In fact, problems are already occurring with the GM (genetically-modified) crops interbreeding with conventional crops (due to unrestrained cross-pollination), and it is highly suspected that eating these GM foods (which are prevalent all throughout our food supply) is causing serious side-effects, including severe allergies, kidney and liver damage, and to some degree, possibly altering the human genetic code, which if unstopped can dramatically affect future generations.

Also, the much-needed honeybees (who come into contact with these GM crops) are now potentially on the verge of going extinct in a few years, and many are seeing a connection between the two. This is just the "tip of the iceberg" of precisely what happens when people try to "play God", they open a "Pandora's box" which will unleash nightmarish, destructive forces of Biblical proportions. Once we let the proverbial "cat out of the bag", there's no turning back,...until of course, Messiah returns to earth, removes wickedness and cleans up our mess in restoring the righteous Remnant of humanity, this planet, its ecosystem and the universe to divine harmony.

As if genetic-modification and hybridization weren't already problematic enough in speeding up the potential demise of the interconnected, planetary bio-systems, there is something else which we should be continually aware of, the eventual "cybernetic" merging and synthesis of man and machine in a transhumanist vision of evolving our race into what is called "posthuman". Many neuroscientists believe that by fusing humanity with advanced technology, our potential becomes "limitless". This involves the use of the multi-faceted field of chip implantation, the implementation of nanotechnology (microscopic machines/robots one-billionth of a meter in size) which can be programmed via electrical frequencies to perform many functions on the dimension of atoms and molecules within the human body, etc., advanced radionic/psychotronic technological equipment for energy harnessing/manipulation while "enhancing" psionics (psychic/mind power), and so on. Yes, that's right! Much of science "fiction" is now officially becoming science nonfiction (reality). This will be discussed in further detail shortly.

Those who remember history can recall an ancient time when Nimrod the pagan king exercised global domination and designed the building of the Tower of Babel (which originally meant: "Gate of EL", later becoming synonymous with "confusion"), as a means of not only reaching up into the heavens where the fallen angels mainly reside, but also to channel their satanic energies (through this "gate-way") for influence, empowerment, and control. This type of construction (including the structure and placement of the Egyptian, Mayan and Aztec pyramids, Stonehenge, Freemasonry temples, etc.) involves mathematical and astronomical precision in aligning with heavenly bodies (including star constellations), and key ley-lines in the earth's electromagnetic grid, with the central goal of drawing in and harnessing energy for occultic purposes.

As revealed in Bereshith/Genesis 11:6-7, our heavenly Abba was displeased with this rebellion (during the building of the Babel tower/gateway) and sent spirits of confusion to create a separation of the human race into numerous languages, nations, etc. This was done to prevent a full-scale satanic, global order from manifesting before the prophetically foretold time. If they were allowed to continue, He said that "nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do". Non-coincidentally, we have seen this similar type of scenario (of desired global control through paganism) repeat all throughout history, including the so-called "Third Reich" of Adolf Hitler.

In current times, we are witnessing the European Union (which was created by the Club of Rome) use the very symbols in their posters, etc., of the rebuilding of the Tower of Babel and constructing their Parliament as an imitation of this ancient pagan tower/gateway. Likewise, their "Lady Europa" rides on a bull just as described in Revelation 17:3. Non-coincidentally, their most popular online translator is called "Babelfish". Once again, mankind stands on the brink of the revival of this ancient "Babylonial Mystery" system, which should come to no surprise, given the fact that history repeats itself in loops, and will eventually progress to the maximum peak point where our spiritual adversary, haSatan will set up his throne through the final anti-messiah and false prophet as foretold in Revelation 13. The Most High YaHuWaH Elohim will allow him a short season to rule as "the deity of this world [who] has blinded the minds of those who do not believe", before the true Messiah and Firstborn Son (of many brethren) returns to destroy the wicked, reveal Truth openly to the whole world and set up His Kingdom of which there shall be no end.

Just as there is a collective Organism and Body of Messiah, with us as its members being possessed, illuminated and led by the singular and multi-faceted Mind/Consciousness of Messiah, through the Anointing and Shekinah Glory and Presence of our heavenly Abba's Holy Spirit,...there is also a growing manifestation of the plan of haSatan to create a slave race under his dominion which consists of a collective body of humans being possessed and controlled individually and corporately via a "hive-mind" by the forces of darkness, in spirit, soul (mind/will/emotions) and body.

As he always does, haSatan mimics, imitates and counterfeits the true nature of the Most High Yah-El, and we who believe in Messiah are "sealed by the Holy Spirit unto the Day of redemption". Our Abba desires for us to be spiritually "signed" and "marked" by His set-apart Word and Presence, as revealed in the Old Testament (Deut. 11:18) "type and foreshadow" which consisted of the sign upon the hand and frontlets between the eyes (center of forehead). But those who will follow the alleged path of self-centered "evolution" in worshiping the anti-messiah and merging with the pagan system of one-world government, religion, economics, etc., will end up receiving the "seal" or "mark of the Beast" which will be placed in the right hand or forehead.
Everyone will have to swear allegiance and choose whom they will serve and obey, either our holy Abba of lights through Messiah and denying sinful, self-centered-ness which leads to Eternal Life, ...or haSatan through the corrupt, fallen, carnal nature which leads to spiritual "death" (separation from His Life-Energy). This is where the "line in the sand is drawn". We are headed on a collision course between the Forces of Light and darkness in a time of great tribulation of which this world has never seen nor will ever see again. Metaphorically speaking, "the seeds have been sown and harvest time is coming".

Now that the background has been discussed, and before we head into interesting technological territory, I have a question to ask each of you : Are you going to resist a chip implantation of any sort, or receive it in complying with and submitting to any form of authoritative governmental laws for the purpose of gaining "rights" and "privileges" in being a member of that unified system,...whether it be Socialist health care, the "national" ID, E-monetary (electronic money transfer) ID, etc.? Keep in mind that the translated English word, "mark" (in reference to the Beast of Revelation 13) is "charagma" in Greek, and stems directly from "charax" which means : "to stake down into" or "stick into". Could this be referring to the subdermal implantation of biochips via syringes?

Of course, cards embedded with smart chips will most likely be used in the beginning stages for purposes of identification, etc. But eventually, as is evidenced by the massive technological-advancement push and progressing stages of the Establishment's propaganda machine towards chip implantation for various purposes from numerous sectors of society, including politics, economics, science, the military industrial complex, the so-called "health care" industry, etc.,...the shift from cards to implants will be short and swift. This is not to say conclusively that any specific chip implant is automatically the "mark of the Beast". However, it would be very wise for our sake and spiritual blessing to resist any type of chip implantation or marking (tattooing upon the skin), if indeed the characteristics match up with chapter 13 of Revelation in being required for the ability to buy or sell in the context of a devoted allegiance to the demonically-empowered anti-messiah and global dictator who will rule the world for a short time.

It is going to become extremely hard in the future whenever believers and their families are unable to buy the necessities which are required for physical survival, due to refusing to become "one" with this draconian, "Big brother" totalitarian system of global control. This is why we should plan in advance now, preparing and storing up for harsh times. More than ever, it will become apparent that we cannot trust in man, nor in our own limited abilities, and thus, developing a deeper, trusting relationship with our heavenly Abba and becoming disciplined to walk in His set-apart Word and Spirit is of the uttermost importance, or else, the chances of mental, emotional and spiritual survival will become extremely slim during the coming societal collapse and establishment of the new global order.

We are not to fear those who can persecute or even kill our bodies, for great shall our heavenly reward be, and our sufferings on earth do not even remotely compare with the Shekinah Glory of Elohim which will become manifested in us throughout all eternity. Needless to say, spiritual faith, hope and love is what we need in order to endure to the end and overcome, for without receiving and expressing the Light of our Abba as brightly-lit "lamps in the darkness" possessing a sufficient supply of the "Oil" of the Spirit, we will become overwhelmed and defeated by the darkness of this world. We are to be consciously aware of haSatan's devices through spiritual knowledge and discernment, being "wise as serpents, but harmless as doves".

It is not mere coincidence that many television shows and cinematic films have shown stories of people receiving and using various types of chip implants (in a "positive, beneficial" manner), for the majority of the entertainment industry is a "pawn on the chessboard" in the hands of the interconnected, globalist, Masonic royal bloodlines who seek to condition and influence the masses into willingly accepting this new world order "for the good of all". Mankind will soon face what many are calling the "next step of evolution" into "posthumanism". Transhumanist thinkers predict that human beings may eventually be able to transform themselves into beings with such greatly expanded abilities as to merit the label "posthuman".

If you're asking yourself, what does this human "enhancement" entail, the answer includes the emergence and convergence of technologies such as biotechnology, information technology, nanotechnology, cognitive science, and hypothetical future technologies such as artificially-simulated reality (also called "virtual reality"), artificial intelligence, superintelligence, mind uploading, and cryonics. It is believed that human beings can and should use these technologies to become "more than human", by removing negative aspects of the human condition, including disability, suffering, disease, aging, and involuntary death.

"We can devise ways of at least trying to manage the enormous powers of nanotechnology, but superintelligence by its nature cannot be controlled. The nano/robotic revolution will force us to reconsider the very definition of human." (Ray Kurzweil)

Society is becoming increasingly desensitized to this advancement of technology and even though this globalist and transhumanist way of thought will become the "norm", many will refuse assimilation into this Babylonial system, but the majority will submit, for "wide is the gate and deep is the way which leads to destruction". In recent news, Intel Corp. made an announcement that they want consumers to have brain chip implants by the year 2020 at the latest, for using brainwaves and thought commands in operating computers. Brain-computer interfacing is already commonplace with many people, including the handicapped, military, etc., in using neuro-chip brain implants to operate their machinery with brainwaves and thought-commands.

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The spectrum of various types of chip implants and their uses is much wider than most can imagine. There is currently a sharp rise in the implantation of mainstream RFID (radio-frequency identification) chips which are used for tracking by global positioning satellites, storing personal ID numbers, biometric data, etc.

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Just a few of the potential physical risks and side effects of these subdermal chips include electrical hazards, MRI incompatibility, adverse tissue reaction, and migration of the implanted transponder. However, there is a much more serious and also common side effect which has been occurring for some time, malignant, cancerous tumors forming in the areas of the bodies of many thousands of animals where these implants were placed. This oftentimes leads to death.

Of course, there is a huge cover-up and media blackout on this topic, and it remains to be seen what the long-term side effects are for humans. It should come to no surprise that whenever chip implants are placed within the body, if they serve as receivers and transmitters in two-way signaling of electrical information via low frequencies, there is going to be some kind of agitation, distortion, and damage within the surrounding tissues, interconnected nerves, DNA, etc., as a result from being continually bombarded with these energy waves. Could this be the very reason why those who receive the "mark of the Beast" will develop "fowl and loathsome sores" on their bodies as confirmed within Revelation 16:2 ?

Various types of chips have the ability to not only read the bio-signs and bio-electrical frequencies of the body, but also the images, thoughts, emotions, etc., by the brain, and they report this information by sending signals through satellites back to the main supercomputers used by government agencies in collecting data, remote-surveillance monitoring, etc. On a side note, if technological "mind-reading" sounds far-fetched, here's an example from recent media reports : Several corporations, including an Israeli company called WeCU Technologies (as in "we see you"), have discussed their experimentation and plans to build and mass produce airport scanners which can attempt to "read minds" while projecting images for visual/brain stimulation, and reading the bio-signs and bodily responses of the viewers in trying to "sniff out terrorists" before they board the planes. This would be called "pre-crime" surveillance.

Specific frequencies can also be beamed directly into the implants which are connected to the neural pathways of the brain, thus potentially altering bio-chemistry, thoughtwaves through manipulating states of consciousness, triggering intense emotions, even creating auditory, visual and sensory hallucinations, affecting various parts of the body even to the point of causing pain, illness and death. How is all this possible? Through tyrannical groups of individuals who (through data gathering and ample experimentation) gain understanding by deciphering and decoding the electromagnetic energy frequency spectrum of living things and exercising manipulation of those targeted frequencies for the purpose of domination.

There is one very important fact which we all should consider, the VeriChip corporation is now called "PositiveID", and their seed funding originates from the information giant IBM. IBM also ran the cataloging system used by Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime to store information on Jews and other "non-compliant" peoples. As is confirmed by historical repetition, IBM is once again behind the scenes in the plans to catalog every global citizen in a tracking, identification system.

Here is a famous quote from Aldous Huxley, "...anybody who has watched the behavior of rats with electrodes placed in different centers must come away from this experience with the most extraordinary doubts about what on earth is in store for us if this is got a hold of by a dictator". Several countries around the world (including Australia) seek to pass laws to make it mandatory for chip implants with 16-digit identification codes in accordance with new health care laws.

There are plans in the works to connect humans to the Internet and other increasingly globalized electronic systems via brain-computer interfacing. Concepts have been promoted by transhumanists such as scanning the human brain to upload it to the mainframe, which translates to duplicating and transferring one's life history, personality, memory, and other personal character traits, into a digital ‘reality’. Some go even further in wanting to upload and transfer consciousness into non-biological "humans".

So if any of you are thinking that this reminds you of films such as "The Matrix", with a global hive-mind-link controlled by artificial intelligence "self-aware" computer-bots creating a virtual-reality illusion to seduce the "plugged in" populace, you are not alone. With nanobots, artificial intelligence and other electro-technologies on the rise, the potential for establishing a complete mind-body control system is extremely high, due to the sheer power of harnessing and manipulating electromagnetic frequencies on a mass scale by highly advanced technology. For those who are still unaware, even our former Secretary of Defense, William Cohen said at an April 1997 counterterrorism conference,
Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves… So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts.” (end quote)

If directed-energy weapons can alter weather, trigger earthquakes, volcano eruptions, etc., via electromagnetic frequency waves, and other scientific/military sources have confirmed the use of ELF (extremely low frequency) waves to exercise forms of mind control over humans and animals, then global population control via brainwave and biochemical/electrical manipulation isn't far off. Remember the CIA confessions of the "MKULTRA" mind control program, or their "Project Stargate" of using "enhanced" psychics for spying (remote viewing via the mind) on other countries, etc.? These are only a small sample of the secret experiments which have been conducted over the past several decades in advancing "human potential" (including creating "super-soldiers") and even conducting mind-control warfare with the use of hallucinogenic and psychotropic drugs, chip implants, directed energy-waves, etc. Just in case there are still some doubters out there, please don't feel the need to take my word for it, but rather, conduct extensive searches of your own for this technical knowledge via the Internet, watching documentaries on educational networks, researching technology journals, etc.

On the one hand, there seem to be many great aids and benefits to this advanced technology, but on the other, it is an extremely clever deception which will ultimately end in calamity and destruction. At the furthest and most extreme end of the spectrum, it is the attempt by many to transcend all limitations, reach the new "singularity" and quantum leap of evolutionary consciousness, becoming "gods" through satanically-influenced gnosis (knowledge) and harnessing energy for self-will, while rebelliously refusing salvation and the fullness of the Spirit through Messiah.

If any one of you have already been "chipped" by any agency or corporation, please understand that you may still have time to possibly undo this measure of techno-control by learning about the facts, having a doctor remove the implant, or deactivating/destroying the implant by passing between strong magnets, such as a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine, etc. Never underestimate the potential of this chip technology being used against us in remote-monitoring, brain and body electromagnetic frequency manipulation, influence and control.

It is strongly recommended that in the future, these invasive implantation measures be resisted with consistent diligence. If by any means, chip implantations of various types ever become involuntary and mandatory without our consent or approval, or in other words, are forced upon us "by law", regardless of how much we physically resist,...then do not fear, but always remember that His Word specifically states that the "mark of the Beast" is such that requires a deliberate and conscious decision in surrendering to and worshipping the anti-messiah. This is not something which anyone receives "by accident", for our sovereign Abba gives every person a choice to deliberately make.

There are various types of chip implants which have differences in design and purpose. However, whenever the unholy "mark" truly arrives on the world scene, the sinister plan will become obvious to those of us who are spiritually discerning of the context, due to its specific characteristics in lining up with and confirming prophetic Scripture. Allow me to clarify a little further : chip implantations of various types are possibly precursors which can potentially lead to the "mark of the Beast", but may not necessarily be one and the same, for this unique, satanic "mark" is specifically required for individuals to obtain "rights" to complete any financial transactions in the future international society, and reserved for those who will unify with the system and swear total allegiance to the "son of perdition" in a globalized, pagan form of ecumenical and earth-based religion. The Holy Spirit within will give us divine awareness and discernment as we continually seek Truth in walking the straight and narrow Path which leads to righteousness and Eternal Life.

May we believers in sacred Truth refuse to become "one" as members of a collective under the control of our evil spiritual adversaries who influence all nations and governments, etc. We can righteously go against the "worldly tide" and resist being "assimilated" into this Babylonial culture. Contrary to what the cybernetic race of "Borg" (in Star Trek) claimed and threatened to all outsiders, resistance is not futile. We will not be assimilated into that collective, for we who are spiritually "born-again" (reawakened to divine Life through Messiah) have an everlasting Covenant with our heavenly Abba as His sons and daughters.

Let us continue to forgive and pray for those in authority over us, and love our enemies, rather than abiding in unrighteous anger, bitterness, and prejudice/hatred. We will overcome haSatan by the "blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony", loving not our own lives, even to the death (Rev. 12:11). Stay focused on the Master, holding onto the blessed hope, and keeping the faith no matter what comes our way. One day, after Messiah has returned to Zion, the meek shall inherit the earth, the wicked shall be as ashes underneath our feet, and the whole planet shall be filled with the Shekinah Glory of YaHuWaH Elohim during the reign of everlasting joy and abundant peace. HalleluYah!!! "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the Glory which shall be revealed in us". (Romans 8:18)

(1 Peter 5:6-9) "Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of Elohim, and He will exalt you in due time, casting all of your cares upon Him who cares for you. Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walks around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in all the world."

In Him we live, move and have our being,



  1. Awesome Post... =)
    Thank you Yahuwnatan...


  2. We live in a saturn moon matrix. The light at the end of the tunnel is a trap. Most High dwells in darkness. The light will get your memories erased or you will come in contact with Reptilians. If you pay attention to most logos, you will see the cube the ring and the eye as well as the sine wave. These are all symbols of the matrix of control. Johnelliss on Youtube does a great job explaining the Reptilian shapeshifters in Hollywood and the deceptions of religions and movies. QuasiLuminous on YouTube does a great job explaining symbolism and how our food is poisoning us. (Just stay away from the blood over intent ritual and Flat Earth theory. They drive me crazy) But he does a good job pointing out the mind control, gay agenda and how we are rats in a cage run by the reptilians in their matrix of control. I believe that one thing we can do is Sungazing and Earthing. It is the key to healing ourselves and reaching the breatharian state of no longer having to eat and drink. Not having to eat will make it much easier to survive in the world where implants we be the norm. Meditation is the key to longevity and perseverence, though I cannot stand what the New Age and their agenda of channeling, mysticism, spirit guides, and kundalini have done to it. The kundalini is reptilian energy put in us by the overlords. In order to be free, we must destroy the chakras and kill the snake. If you look at a chakra chart you will see a hexagram at the heart. The rulers have hexed our heart. No wonder the bible says it's wicked. The snake is not something to be powered by. I recently had an experience that I believe to be the removal of my chakras because I felt snake fangs bite through the top of my head one night and a snake burst out of my head and die because it had nothing to attach itself to. I have felt much better since. I don't have as many reptilian attacks. I try to keep my willpower strong so that whenever I encounter another one, I can battle it and tell it to get out of my house! Yeshua really is our liberator because you either go with him in the end or be killed by Reptilian takeover. Since I love eastern culture I shall mention this: Even Buddha prophesied Messiah and purposely told the Brahmins to no longer seek salvation in the old way but to keep making merit until the Holy One comes who will be stabbed in the side, have disk impressions in his hands and feet, and have many scars on his head. He would be the one that would liberate and take one to the highest heaven. The eight fold path was for the time, still a guideline for today, it is not a means of liberation. Only Yeshua can provide that. That means that every form of Buddhism today is corrupted because they still teach individuals to seek enlightenment. In Messiah we are already enlightened, so our zazen should simply be a sitting and paying attention to the thoughts in our mind and seeing what needs to change and be subdued. This is the taking captive of the mind. I still use meditation for relaxation as well, but that really should just be called nap time. The thing is here that the chakras and kundalini are not sacred. They are an uplink channel to the all seeing eye of the reptilian singularity matrix. I will not be a part of that.
